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Prayer as Relationship

Followers of Christ receive the Spirit of Christ and are adopted as the children of God. No matter what kind of relationship you have or had with your earthly father, be it good, bad, or none at all, if you are a child of God you have a perfect, heavenly Father who loves you with the greatest love you will ever find anywhere. Let that thought sink into every corner of who you are. You are loved with an everlasting love and it is the utmost defining characteristic of who you are. When we come to God in prayer aware of the special relationship we have as a child of God, then speaking to our Father is one of the most important ways we can strengthen the role that relationship plays in our life. A loving parent is a close confidant, a teacher, a provider, and a protector. As we come to God in prayer this week, let's remember we are His beloved children. Talk to Him as your beloved Father. Ask Him for anything according to His will. Believe that He will answer you for "how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!"

And going a little farther, he fell on the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible for you. Remove this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Mark 14:35‭-‬36 ESV


Father, my Abba Father, thank you for adopting me. Thank you for calling me Yours and thank you for loving me unconditionally. I want to know You like You know me. I want to grow in my relationship with You, Father. I pray all this in Your Perfect Son's Mighty Name. AMEN.

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